Holway Park Primary School – Taunton, Somerset – Classic Builders Ltd.
Project Overview
An ongoing project at Taunton’s Holway Park Primary School. This will provide one of three brand new autism centres within Somerset, as part of a £2m investment for specialist autistic support units. The project started during term time for a finish date ready for the new school year in September.
Client: Holway Park Primary School
Contractor: Classic Builders Ltd
Contract length: 10 weeks
Due to the obscure design of the building, lift heights, access and design have had to be extremely thought out to service all trades and allow for bulk works to be completed without hindrance. To add to this, the project is on an extremely tight deadline, with the building having to be completed for the new school year.
Working with Classic Builders Ltd., the site agent and other sub-contractors, we were able to come up with an extremely thorough schedule for the works, that had to be followed daily. The scaffold was erected in two main phases, with multiple working lifts added at the same time. This allowed for a series of trades to complete all works at height at the same time seamlessly in tune with the timeline and deadlines.